In preparation

After more than ten years of experience in the field of construction, supervision and subsequent care not only of residential houses but also of industrial buildings, we gradually worked our way up to the construction of our own development projects.
Thanks to our family friend and investor in one person, Mr. Gijsbert Maarten Boot, we were able to realize the first own development project in Palkovice. With a family-owned development company
Šádek development s.r.o. is now working on other own projects in the villages of Tichá, Kozlovice, Kozlovice-Měrkovice and Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem.
Our philosophy is the realization of buildings in which we ourselves would like to live. We will not build buildings that are foreign to us and do not mean anything. We will always design and build structures that will be very close to us and that will have life.